International Remote Sensing Applied Journal 2024-06-20T04:28:40+00:00 Yudi Antomi Open Journal Systems <p>International Remote Sensing Applied Journal</p> DETECTION OF LAND USE CHANGES USING LANDSAT 8 COMPOSITE BAND 4,3,2 AND BAND 7,6,4 COMPOSITE IMAGES IN 2019 AND 2022 USING THE METHODPOST- CLASSIFICATION COMPARISSON PADANG CITY REGION 2024-06-20T04:28:40+00:00 eko bima saputra sri kandi putri ernawati ernawati febriandi febriandi <p>This study aims to 1) determine the area of land use in the city of Padang in 2019 and 2022 using the 4,3,2 (True Color) composite. 2) to determine the area of land use in Padang City in 2019 and 2022 using composite 7,6,4 (False Colour). 3) to find out changes in land use in the City of Padang in 2019 and 2022 using the Post- Classification Comparisson method. Processing is done using Landsat 8 satellite imagery downloaded from the USGS website. Before performing image interpretation, radiometric correction, atmospheric correction and geometric correction are carried out as well as band composite and satellite image cropping with the boundaries of the study area, namely the administrative boundaries of the City of Padang. The interpretation process is carried out using the Maximum Likelihood method using digital image processing applications and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Change detection analysis method through Post-Classification Comparisson. Accuracy sampling was carried out systematically random sampling with the confusion matrix accuracy test technique. The results of the study in the Padang City area which has an area of 694.96 km2, Land use changes using Composite Band 4,3,2 Mixed Forests experienced a reduction of around 157.58Ha. Open land increased by around 48.85 Ha, rice fields decreased by 397.84 Ha. built-up area increased by around 94.12 Ha. Shrubs and shrubs, an increase of about 412.45 Ha. Changes in land use using Composite Band 7,6,4 Mixed Forest experienced a reduction of around 155.32 Ha. Open land increased by around 48.70 Ha. paddy fields decreased by 399.03 Ha. built-up area increased by around 94.83 Ha. Shrubs and shrubs increased by around 410.82 Ha of rivers in 2019 and in 2022 there will be no change with an area of 437.33 Ha.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FLOOD IDENTIFICATION BY UTILIZING REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES IN PADANG CITY 2024-06-20T04:23:26+00:00 Refki Addea Islami Ernawati Ernawati Helfia Edial Azhari Syarief <p>Natural disasters floods are the most common disasters found almost everywhere, floods can cause damage and can even take lives. The city of Padang is often hit by flood disasters which result in damage and loss for those affected. This research aims to 1) To find out the results of identifying flood-prone areas by utilizing remote sensing and spatial analysis techniques in Padang City; 2) To determine the level of flood vulnerability by utilizing remote sensing and spatial analysis techniques in Padang City. This research uses an overlay method which combines several parameters. Parameters for identifying areas that have the potential for flooding in this research include slope, rainfall, land use, elevation, soil type, and river buffer. Each of these parameters is given a different scoring value and weight, then an overlay analysis is carried out and a flood hazard map will be produced as a result of the combination of parameters used. After obtaining the results from the overlay analysis of all parameters, the map of potential flood areas will be divided into 3 vulnerability classes, namely low, medium and high vulnerability classes. The results of the research are that the low vulnerability class has an area of ​​33854.4 ha with a percentage of 49% of the total area of ​​Padang City, the medium vulnerability class has an area of ​​26337.6 with a percentage of 38.2% of the total area, and the high vulnerability class has an area of ​​8823.3 ha with a percentage of 12.8% of the total area.</p> 2024-06-20T04:08:49+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## USE OF REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR FOREST RESOURCE BALANCE MAPPING IN LEMBAH GUMANTI DISTRICT, SOLOK DISTRICT 2024-06-20T04:23:34+00:00 laura ovia sausaen Azhari Syarief Iswandi U Iswandi U Sri Kandi Putri <p>The forest resources balance sheet prepared for the implementation of law no. 41 of 1999 ratified article 13 paragraph (4), in the technical process of implementation it always refers to the decision of the Minister of Forestry no. 6444/kpts-ll/1999 regarding instructions for preparing forest resource balance sheets. The forest resource balance sheet is information that describes forest resource reserves, loss and use of forest resources so that at a certain time the trend of surplus or deficit compared to the previous period can be seen. Law. 41 of 1999, article 13 paragraph 4. Remote sensing offers great potential for the development of methods for calculating the balance of forest resources and changes in the forest sector and geographic information systems (SIG) which are used to provide digital form and analysis of the earth's geographic surface so as to form precise and accurate spatial information. This research uses quantitative analysis. This research aims to determine changes in forestry stocks in the Gumanti Valley district, and knowledge about forest balance in the Gumanti Valley region. The results of research based on data show that around -12,708 ha of land in the form of secondary forest has experienced a reduction or deficit in area. Apart from that, other land that has experienced a reduction in area is primary forest. Meanwhile, the land that has experienced the most significant increase in area is in the form of fields covering an area of ​​+13,239 ha from 2017 to 2023.</p> 2024-06-20T04:10:54+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE USE OF SENTINEL-2A IMAGERY FOR MAPPING THE CONVERSION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND INTO DEVELOPED LAND USING THE OBIA METHOD IN BATANG ANAI DISTRICT 2017 AND 2022 2024-06-20T04:23:43+00:00 meilani syahadani Azhari Syarief Risky Ramadhan Dedy Fitriawan <p>Indonesia is a developing country with a population growth rate of 1.38%. Due to the relatively strong population growth every year, this greatly affects land change. Therefore, the phenomenon of land use change emerged. In general, the rate of population growth correlates with the rate of land use change, which results in increased satisfaction of land-use needs such as settlements and public facilities. This study aims to determine the Change in Land Cover resulting from the Change of Agricultural Land Function into developed land and where the direction of changing agricultural land to developed land in Batang Anai District. This study uses a quantitative approach by utilizing Remote Sensing using Object-Based Classification (OBIA). Based on the interpretation results on Sentinel-2A images in 2017 and 2022, 8 land cover classes were found with an Overall Accuracy of 91% and a Kappa Index of 89.80%. Agricultural land in Batang Anai District has undergone land conversion into built-up land of 304.2 Ha or 8.70% of the agricultural land area in Batang Anai District with a total of 3499.16 Ha so that the remaining agricultural land area in 2022 is 3194.96 Ha. As a result of the land use change, there was a development of built-up land which was converted into housing development, public facilities and the Padang-Pekanbaru toll road leading from South to North.</p> 2024-06-20T04:12:13+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SOIL TYPE CLASSIFICATION FOR IDENTIFICATION OF SUITABILITY OF RESIDENTIAL AREAS USING THE SMCA METHOD IN PURBALINGGA REGENCY 2024-06-20T04:23:51+00:00 kurnia kurnia anggraini <p><strong>The assessment of land suitability for residential development is an important aspect of sustainable urban planning. This study uses spatial multi-criteria analysis (SMCA) as a tool to identify potential land suitable for the development of residential areas in Purbalingga Regency, by considering soil type as the main variable. The method used involves using a soil-type map of Purbalingga Regency in 2018 as basic data. The classification of soil types is carried out to determine the spatial distribution of soil-types in the region, which includes alluvial, andosol, gleisol, cambisol, Mediterranean, Oxisol, Regosol, Settlement, and Water Body soil types. This study focused on weighting soil types based on suitability for residential areas, where each soil type was scored based on its level of suitability: very inappropriate (score 1), not suitable (score 2), quite suitable (score 3), and very suitable (score 5). The results of the analysis showed that the type of cambisol soil dominates the area with an area of 33,499.934291 hectares. However, the suitability of settlements based on the type of land is generally included in the category of non-conforming. This indicates that although the type of cambisol soil has a large area, its characteristics are less supportive for the development of residential areas. This research can be the basis for determining the optimal location for the development of sustainable settlements in accordance with local land characteristics.</strong></p> 2024-06-20T04:14:41+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##