Mapping of Limestone Potential Using Landsat 8 Satellite Imageryin Some Areasof Timpeh

  • Sabrina Roselini Student of the D3 Remote Sensing Technology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Dian Adhetya Arif
  • Sri Kandi Putri
Keywords: Remote Sensing, Landsat 8 Imagery, Band Ratio


Limestone potential is important information that can be obtained from remote sensing data which has advantages and speed in processing results. Remote sensing is a technology that can overcome the problemof measuring data for fast and accurate information. This research was carried out in some areas of the Timpeh sub-district,andDharmasraya districtusing Landsat 8-OLI imagery with the aimof1) identifying the potential of limestone using the Band Ratio method. 2) How to apply remote sensing in mapping the potential of limestoneusing Landsat 8 Oli imagery.

 This research was carried out in several stages, namely Pre Processing which included radiometric correction and atmospheric correction, image cropping according to the research area, and processing whichincluded making geological maps, making landform maps, making maps of river flow patterns and vegetationindex maps and limestone identification using the RGB band ratio method (5/4;6/3;4/2).

 The results of field identification in potential limestone areas, where the RGB (Red Green Blue)composite of the band ratio 5/4;6/3;4/2 shows that the presence of limestone is characterized by the appearanceof greenish-brown colored objects. The average pixel value for limestone with a band ratio of 5/4 is 2.475, for a6/3 ratio is 1.275 and for a 4/3 ratio is 0.788. In this study, the potential area of limestone in the research areawasfound,whichwas approximately 2352,14564 ha.

How to Cite
Roselini, S., Arif, D., & Putri, S. (2023). Mapping of Limestone Potential Using Landsat 8 Satellite Imageryin Some Areasof Timpeh. International Remote Sensing Applied Journal, 3(2), 55-62.

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