• Ilham Ridho Student of the D3 Remote Sensing Technology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Dian Adhetya Arief Lecturer Study Program D3 Remote Sensing Technology, Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Sri Kandi Putri Lecturer Study Program D3 Remote Sensing Technology, Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: TSS, TSS Algorithm, Lake Maninjau


Remote sensing is generally defined as the technical art of obtaining information or data regarding the physical condition of an object or object, target, target or area and phenomenon without touching or direct contact with the object or target (Soenarmo, 2009). With remote sensing data, this research can easily see how the condition of the lake water. Based on these factors, efforts are needed to monitor the distribution of TSS in Lake Maninjau considering the importance of water potential to support various needs. In this study the classification was divided into 5 for the first class with concentration values of tss- 0 – 15 mg/L, 15 – 25 mg/L, 25 – 35 mg/L, TSS 35 – 80 mg/L, TSS > 80 mg/L. The result of in situ data processing is the lowest value is 8.2 mg/L and the highest is 72.2 mg/L. The Syarif Budhiman algorithm has the lowest at 8.14 mg/L and the highest at 40.04 mg/L. The lowest Parwati algorithm is 3.32 mg/L and the highest is 32.86 mg/L. The Guzman - Santaella algorithm has the lowest at 3.15 mg/L and the highest at 164.38 mg/L. The TSS concentrations in the alleged party and budhiman algorithms tend to have the same pattern as the TSS concentrations in the field, but there are several points with significant differences. The validation test shows that the Budhiman Algorithm (2004) has the smallest NMAE value between in situ data and image processing with a value of 14.4%.

How to Cite
Ridho, I., Arief, D., & Putri, S. (2023). UTILIZATION OF REMOTE SENSING IMAGES IN MAPPING SUSPENDED SOLID IN LAKE MANINJAU WEST SUMATRA PROVINCE. International Remote Sensing Applied Journal, 2(1), 8-13. https://doi.org/10.24036/irsaj.v2i1.20

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